We plan, commercialize, represent and integrate technological solutions that adapt specifically to each customer's need, making their processes more effective and efficient.

RC International
Special Alloys

Special Alloys

We have been advising our customers and supplying special alloys such as Zirconium, Niobium, Hafnium, Nickel, Titanium and more, for over 35 years.

We offer standard grade and custom made alloys.

We represent ATI, one of the largest metallurgical groups in USA.

Marine electronics

Marine Electronics

We commercialize sonars, echosounders, sub bottom profilers, AUVs, net instrumentation, satellite positioning systems, communications, underwater positioning, radars and more.

We represent Kongsberg Maritime, the most important and innovative marine electronics company in the world.

Video Analytics

Video Analytics

We represent one of the most important companies world wide in Face Recognition solutions, Corsight from Israel, implementing solutions used in Security forces, Airports, embassies and more.

We also implement solutions based on Video analytics and intelligence. From surveillance systems, sensors, alarms and License Plate Recognition to multiple remote integrations from a centralized and unified Head Quarter.